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Some lessons from Helaman 10 & 11

The atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ satisfies the demands of mercy and justice predicated on sincere repentance. With this infinite gift, available to all of us, we may choose to repent of mistakes, large and small. Agency is always part of the equation.

Humility is what we can draw upon to place ourselves in positions to choose to repent. Jesus Christ is always available and waiting for us to do so. It is a powerful process that can strengthen us and bring us back on solid ground ready to go forth as followers of the Lord. However, we have to be watchful because the counter-forces want us to drag us down as we get back to the daily business of life. We have to stay the course and actively pursue righteousness daily to keep from falling back to where we were before.

No matter how much evil and destruction there is in the world, Jesus Christ is always available, and His influence may be felt through sincere prayer. We will all make mistakes, but He can help us overcome them if we keep our focus, even when it seems easier to do what others are doing to ultimately bring about their own destruction.

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